Irian Mika & Lara Biesser

demolish(ed) – replace(d) – increase(d) – add(ed)

The OKEY building is a complex of structures whose current state has been brought about by various phases of different productive uses and corresponding adjustments to the building substance. The traces of time being visible.

Learning from the existing new structures are introduced in a structurally similar way. The existing conglomerate grows within itself and continues onto the lower parcel. The idea of placing adaptable structures next to each other is expanded and establishes an Arealüberbauung. Solutions for difficulties like lighting deep volumes can be found in the existing itself and are adopted for the new. Existing structures are being reinterpreted – listening to what is already there.

In our project we want to preserve the existing qualities of the complex while introducing dwelling as a new layer of the ongoingness of the building. The existing uses are not meant to be erased but it’s about finding ways of how new and old can exist next to each other. Atelier spaces, Kindergarden and Production or smaller sized companies which all are current users stay an important part of the complex. This leads to an even greater overlapping of uses and spaces and to more diverse temporalities than in the current labor heavy programming.

The diversity of specific moments in the differing volumes need specific reactions to it making generic housing impossible. Different typologies of Stadtwohnungen - from studio to cluster apartments and their kitchens are put in relation to each other and the spaces of work through visual contact. Establishing a network of learning and a sense of joint activity.
