Dept. of Numeric and Other Values

Research Report

The Dept. of Numeric and Other Values looks into the economic realities in which ETH organises, develops and maintains its real estate portfolio. How does ETH finance its real estate operations? Which ownership models and public-private partnerships are at play? What is the value of this portfolio, compared to other developers such as pension funds or public agents such as Liegenschaften Stadt Zürich? By looking into strategy papers, annual reports, procedures of architecture competitions, as well as the compositions of juries, commissions and boards, this department also researches how - and by who - ETH real estate priorities are set. Which values and networks of power underpin and structure ETH’s real estate policies? 

This report was developed based on data provided by ETH Zurich, supplemented with extra information, fieldwork and data retrieved elsewhere. Therefore these reports might deviate from the framework conditions and measures taken by ETH Zurich.
